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Splash pad bids to be awarded at Nov. 2 meeting

Bids for the new splash pad at Jaycees Park have come in, and were all over budget, Clinton City Manager Roger Houck told the City Council during its oct. 23 meeting.

Houck said the bids were still being processed.

The council voted to have a special called meeting at 2 p.m. Nov. 2, to award a contract and adjust the budget accordingly.

In other budgetary concerns, Houck reported there was no increase in city staff health insurance for the first time he could remember.

Chris Phillips, the city’s finance director, announced that with one-fourth of the fiscal year gone, revenues and expenditures were coming in as expected.

He said he would bring a budget amendment to the November council meeting to clear up details on capital purchases.

Councilman David Queener asked Houck about the installation of speed bumps. Houck replied the city did not have a policy on speed bumps. However, he promised to bring a proposed policy on speed bumps to the next meeting.

The council passed a routine administrative resolution dealing with compliance with guidelines for management of federal and state funded transportation programs.

Kelly Johnson, director of schools, reported the Oct. 21 Clinton 5K was a success with a record participation of more than 350 runners and all proceeds going for health and wellness grants.

She presented, and the city council approved, a budget amendment to bring the school system budget in line with federal allocations.

In his planning commission report councilman Larry Gann stated that the planning commission had approved two requests for final plat approval. There was discussion, but no action taken, of having overlays that would restrict development and certain businesses in specific areas similar to the restrictions on the historic downtown district.

Funeral director John Gamble was named grand marshal of the Clinton Christmas Parade which will be held at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 2.