Putting it in writing: Citizens give their opinions about new permit for Bull Run

Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation (TDEC) in Oak Ridge heard from the public last Thursday, Jan. 25, to collect comments of a new permit proposed for TVA’s Bull Run Fossil Plant.

The permit is for handling the ash waste from the plant, from intake of water for cooling to the final discharge of water used in the process — after treatment and storage of waste ash.

The hearing was held to allow TDEC to listen and record those who wished to speak, and collect written statements as well.

Those statements are part of the process for issuance of the permit

The public has until Feb. 5 to file comments with TDEC concerning the permit request for Bull Run.

They may do so at water.permits@tn.gov.

The permit is based on TN Water Quality Control Act and TN Water Quality Criteria (WQC), April 2015 revised.

It sets effluent limits from EPA Effluent Limitation Guidelines for Steam Electric Power Generating Sources, SIC 4911.

• Applicability Dates in 2023

• No Discharge – Bottom Ash Transport water 

• Technology-based limit – FGD wastewater 

• Timeline to plan/design/construct/startup new treatment 
Toxic Metals Evaluated

• No Reasonable Potential for WQC exceedance 
or Aquatic Toxicity 
calls for a wide range of conditions: Monitoring of aquatic species, a seep action plan, dike inspections, a storm water pollution prevention plan, annual tests for toxicity, and a biocide/corrosion treatment plan.