Wandell seeking re-election to Dist. 1 commission seat

Tracy Wandell
Anderson County Commission.
After his father’s retirement from the U.S. Navy in 1979, he moved with
his family to Claxton.
He attended Clinton Junior High and graduated
from Clinton High School in 1984.
Wandell joined the U.S. Navy in 1985 and returned to Claxton after being
honorably discharged in 1989. He married Shannon Kelley Wandell in 1994
— the two grew up together on Valley Lane in Claxton.
They have four children who have been raised in Claxton and attended
public schools in Anderson County.
Samantha Fenn is their oldest and she is married to Robert Bolden. They
recently had the Wandell’s first grandchild, Finley.
Kelley Ann, their second child, is a rising junior attending Maryville
College where she is a member of the basketball and volleyball teams.
Trace Douglas is a rising junior at Clinton High School where he is a
member of the basketball team.
Their youngest, Macy Lynn, is a rising fifth grader at Claxton
Elementary School.
Wandell currently works at System One located in Oak Ridge, a
full-service staffing agency with more than 50 offices nationwide. As a
Senior Account Executive, he works with energy, manufacturing, and
industrial sectors to provide high quality employees that meet their
Prior to his work in the staffing industry, Wandell was an owner/partner
of a coal ash marketing company for more than 16 years.
In 2006, he was elected as an Anderson County Commissioner representing
District 1.
“I ran for County Commissioner serving District 1 in 2006 to address
several issues at the time including the idea of Bull Run Steam Plant
being annexed by the city of Oak Ridge. Another reason was the open
sewer waste treatment plant located in Claxton near Ben’s Mobile Home,”
Wandell said.
“Once elected, both issues were addressed and resolved. Serving as your
District 1 Commissioner, I have never voted for a tax increase and I
have always made myself available and responsive to the constituents
that I serve.” he added.
He currently serves as Chairman of the Operations Committee, Revenue
Committee, and the Veterans Service Advisory Committee.
During his tenure, Wandell has served on all of the following
committees: Ethics, Fire Commission, Insurance Subcommittee, Justice
Center Study, Legal Services Advisory, Nominating, Purchasing, Chairman
on the Conservation Board, and the Solid Waste Advisory Board.
In 2017, he was elected to the Tennessee County Commissioners
Association as a Board Member representing the East Region.
In 2018, Wandell was elected into the Vice President’s position
representing the East Region and currently serves on the Executive
Committee, Finance Committee, and Veterans Committee at the State level.
He is a member of Riverview Baptist Church as well as the Alpha Masonic
Lodge #376.
Wandell is also a member and past President of the Claxton Optimist
Club, a member of the Green McAdoo Cultural Organization, and a past board
member of the Claxton Volunteer Fire Department.
“As County Commissioner I have developed strong relationships with many
different organizations such as Department of Energy, Tennessee Valley
Authority, Tennessee Department of Transportation, and other local and
state government entities and elected officials,” he said.
“It is an honor and privilege to serve and give back to the people of
District 1 and Anderson County. My passion and desire remain strong and
I am hopeful to earn your support and vote to serve as one of your
County Commissioners in District 1,” Wandell said.
If you would like to meet, have a call, or exchange email, please he
encourages his constituents to contact anytime at (865) 388-0921 (cell);
(865) 945-1735 (home), or via email at tlwandell@msn.com.