Veterans head for the water during a Trout Unlimited/Project Healing Waters outing.

Veterans head for the water
• Sam Hodnett will speak at the monthly chapter meeting on Thursday, Feb. 14, about the chapter’s Veterans Service Partnership for all veterans and about the Knoxville Program of Project Healing Waters Fly Fishing, for disabled veterans. Knoxville PHWFF was founded by a Clinch River Chapter board member and is a formal partner to the chapter.
The free, public program starts at 7 p.m. at St. Francis Episcopal Church, 158 W. Norris Road, Norris.
• All veterans and their families are invited to Veterans on the Water, on Saturday, May 18 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Participants will get an introduction to fly fishing plus a picnic lunch and the opportunity to visit with other military families. The free, public event will take place on the bank of the Clinch at Miller Island boat ramp, Norris.
The Clinch River Chapter’s mission is to conserve and enhance the Clinch River tailwater trout fishery and its watershed, through conservation projects and through education of children and adults in aquatic natural resources. Meetings are held the second Thursday of the month at St. Francis Episcopal Church, Norris, except when outdoor activities are scheduled. For more information, visit