Stay home

An area of concern that has been brought to the attention of The Courier News is the number of people who are taking unecessary risks for what they may deem as “necessary.”

There are a number of simple rules for staying as safe as can be during the COVID-19 pandemic:

Wash your hands (a lot).

Don’t touch your face.

Cough into your elbow (the crook of your arm).

Stay away from people — social distancing — or stay home.

Disinfect around your house.

Angie Householder, who works at the Clinton post office, has noticed people who probably shouldn’t be going to the post office, doing just that.

“Most of our customers are older and at high risk, and I personally think they are intimidated by the whole internet thing, but we have paper forms and prepaid envelopes and lost of things that do not require a computer.”

Householder said she “feels responsible” for the welfare of all of her customers, but especially those who are considered “high risk.”

So, please spread the word. If you know an elderly person who uses the post office quite often, tell them to contact the post office and see how they can better get the services they need without putting themslves at high risk.

Gov. Bill Lee has urged people to stay home to retard the spread COVID-19.

If you know someone who is a high risk person, please pass this on.