Rep. John Ragan acknowledges education ‘not in the textbook’

  • Rep. John Ragan gave Kelly Johnson a quick reminder on the proper way to fold an American flag. - Ken Leinart

  • Rep. John Ragan shows Clinton City School System Athletic Director E.T. Stamey the signatures on the proclamation honoring the school system and the Blaze programs. - Ken Leinart

Rep. John Ragan presented a proclamation recognizing the City of Clinton School System and the Blaze programs to Clinton City Schools Athletic Director E.T. Stamey and Clinton City Director of Schools Kelly Johnson last Friday.

The proclamation was passed by the state legislature and signed by Lt. Gov. Randy McNally, Speaker Cameron Sexton, and Gov. Bill Lee.

“This recognition is not trivial,” Ragan said during the presentation Friday morning.

Ragan said proclamations acknowledge the accomplishments and efforts by citizens of the state.

He noted the Blaze programs are a valuable teaching tool for the City of Clinton School System, that extracurricular activities teach lessons “that are not in a textbook.

“They teach you to strive for excellence if life, fair competition, and that extra effort is often required … and gives you the leadership to succeed.

“They pay big, big dividends,” Ragan said. “In lots of other places, lessons that carry far, far beyond (a child’s school years).”

Ragan said he learned those values through sports. “Those lessons are life long.”

Ragan said those lessons helped him during his military career, as a teacher, and as a state representative.

Ragan also gifted the school system with two flags — a Tennessee state flag and a United States flag — from the state capitol.

Ragan also gave Johnson a quick reminder on the proper way to fold an American flag.

“There are 13 folds,” he said. “Each fold means something, but I’m not going to recite them right now,” he laughed.

The Blaze program in the Clinton City School System began four years ago and include athletics (basketball, track, swimming) and academics. The latest addition to the Blaze programs is archery.