Riding association awards buckles to Pee Wee showmen

  • Emily Longmire displays her award

  • Sara Wood, Gracie Davis, Dodge Harper, and Cruze Fielden. In the first row are: Maddie McCroskey, Sadie Harper, Irene Harper, Sybil Fielden, Casta Fielden, and Henry Harper.

The Volunteer Riding Association of Clinton held its Pee Wee Kids awards banquet Jan. 30.

The banquet was used to give out belt buckles to the kids who participated in the club’s 2020 show season.

The group was established in 1965 by volunteers who wanted a place to show their horses of various disciplines.

Over the years, it has become a barrel-racing and pole-bending show.

Last year, these kids qualified by running in three of the four shows that were allowed because of the pandemic.

The association has a great sponsor with Barren Creek Boots, sponsor of the buckles for the participants. The Pee Wee class is for beginners 10 years old and under.