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Clinton Lions Club installs new officers

The Clinton Lions Club recently installed new officers for the year.

Serving as president this year is Jeannie Schneider; vice-presidents are Irene Miller and Gwen Cole; Neal Vaugan is secretary; and Jan Waldroop is treasurer. The Board of Directors includes John Kelsey, Jim Shetterly, Kathy J. Jones and Robert Jones. Tail twister/lion tamer is Michael Jones, and John Kelsey also serves as membership chair.

The Clinton Lions have supported the city of Clinton and the surrounding area of Anderson County for more than 80 years. The work of the Lions is varied, and affects many members of our community.

The following are just some of the activities of the Clinton Lions Club:

The Lions were a prime sponsor of Millie’s Wings All Inclusive Playground in South Cliton. They provide free vision screenings for Clinton City and Anderson County Schools, and provide eyeglasses and eye examinations for neighbors in need. The Lions also recognize the service of our veterans, annually sponsoring one of the monthly Anderson County veterans breakfasts. The Lions have been long-term sponsors of Clinton Baseball and the Clinton High School Swim Team, and annually provide scholarships to graduating seniors from Clinton High School. Their work extends beyond our local community, supporting such organizations as Leader Dogs for the Blind, East Tennessee Lions Eye Bank, and Lions Volunteer Blind Industries.