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Thank you for the story on the Witness Tree


My thanks to Ken Leinart and the Courier News for the excellent article of June 28, 2023, on the Witness Tree at Clinton Middle School and the trees that have been planted to replace the other Witness Trees that have been lost over the years.

This was a well-written piece about the importance of these trees to the history of Clinton and to the nation during the desegregation efforts of the 1950s.

And, thanks also to the students of Clinton Middle School and to Principal Meyers for their enthusiasm and support of an idea that came to me last October when I drove by and saw the remaining tree standing alone, still providing a show in its beautiful fall foliage, and decided it needed to be honored and protected and the original trees replaced.

With their help, as well as the support of Riley Sain of the Clinton Tree Board, and the donations and labor provided by many of my classmates from the Clinton High School Class of 1968, the last class to graduate from the Clinton High School before it became Clinton Junior High, my idea became a reality.

Three legacy sugar maples have been planted in place of the original trees along Broad Street, and the hard work, enthusiasm and respect shown by the CMS students and Principal Meyers when they were planted was truly impressive. Their continued efforts to protect and preserve the remaining Witness Tree, along with the guidance and expertise provided by Mr. Sain, will ensure these trees are enjoyed by generations of students to come, just as previous students enjoyed them in the past.

I am so sorry I was unable to attend the opportunity to share this important effort with them, but I am thankful to Mr. Leinart for sharing this story with the members of the community.

Bonnie Albright Shoemaker
