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Norris meeting to discuss future of community facilities

The Norris City Council has set a special public meeting for 6 p.m. Tuesday, Aug. 8, to get public input on what plans the city should make regarding updating, expanding or consolidating city facilities.

That includes the Community Building at 20 Chestnut Drive and the current police/fire department headquarters on Norris Square.

Although no serious discussions have yet taken place, there does seem to be some interest in turning the area around the Community Building into an all-in-one city complex.

Councilman Will Grinder said this week that upgrading and expanding the Community Building and perhaps adding a new fire and police station in that location could be on the table.

The meeting will be seeking community input on the future of all city facilities, including offices for water and sewer department staff, city public works staff, and even the animal shelter, which now is housed in a small outbuilding near the Public Works Department off East Norris Road.

There are other buildings, including the library, that have needs, such as new roofs and other maintenance or upgrades, Grinder said.

“We’re looking to get public opinion to see if there is a future need to rehab or add to the Community Building,” Grinder said.

“It’s a nice building, but it needs some improvements,” he said

“I think if the community got behind it, we could add to it for the police and fire departments.

“This is a dialogue, and I think we need more of that,” Grinder said.

Presently, the city manager and some city staff work out of the city’s main offices in the Community Building, which also includes the City Council’s meeting room, along with a gymnasium and other space that is available for local groups to use.

Of the Aug. 8 meeting, Mayor Chris Mitchell said, “It’s a discussion of all facilities, including where should the animal shelter and public works be located.”

Mitchell will lead the meeting, the council decided when it agreed during the July council meeting to hold the special session.

The Aug. 8 meeting will be held in the Community Building.