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Celebrating 75 years, ORNL Federal Credit Union has big plans for its anniversary

From its humble beginnings to becoming one of the largest credit unions in East Tennessee today, ORNL Federal Credit Union has been dedicated to serving its members and the East Tennessee community since 1948.

Its rich history extends beyond helping its members develop a healthy relatiaonship with their money; ORNL FCU is also committed to investing in the communities where its members and employees live, work, worship, and attend school.

ORNL FCU members and employees are passionate about supporting the needs of East Tennessee communities.

In honor of its 75th anniversary, ORNL FCU will be commemorating its anniversary in a big way, by awarding $350,000 in grants to deserving nonprofits in the East Tennessee community.

The credit union is seeking its members’ help in selecting the organizations that will be awarded the grants.

Members are invited to nominate local nonprofits and share with the credit union why the organization they are nominating should receive a grant from ORNL FCU. Various grant amounts will be awarded:

• One organization will receive a $75,000 award

• Two organizations will each receive a $50,000 award

• Four organizations will each receive a $25,000 award

• Ten organizations will each receive a $7,500 award

From the nominations received, ORNL FCU will select and award organizations that represent diverse interests and areas across the East Tennessee community. Nominations will be accepted until Aug. 15.

Organizations selected to receive grants will be announced early September.

Additional information, including the nomination guidelines and a link to the nomination form, can be found at