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Let our children be children


For the first three years of Josh Anderson’s tenure on the Anderson County Library Board, there was little need for a member of the “public at large” to be in attendance at the monthly meetings.

Those were the days before the so-called “progressives” in America implemented an agenda to indoctrinate children as opposed to educating them. Indoctrinated children become indoctrinated adults, and they are more easily manipulated and controlled than individuals who are educated with critical thinking skills.

Those with critical thinking skills can think outside the box and connect dots, and that is not in the best interest of today’s Democrat party. As a result, we have an all-out attempt to replace English, history, civics and math with a CRT and LGBTQ+ promotional campaign/curriculum.

In other words, our K-12 students (and higher education students) today are being taught that becoming a transgender (or LGBTQ+) is the norm and one can only declare as a heterosexual (or conservative) if he/she is strong enough to endure the derision and scorn.

It is indoctrination to the nth degree, and it is fortified by large swaths of the MSM, social media and those who empower today’s Democrat party by marching in lockstep to partisan “talking points” and a decadent agenda. .

If one thinks that I am being an alarmist (or homophobic) or partisan, I would point them to the July 15, 2023, article in the New York Post that said,” About 38% of students at Brown University identified as either homosexual, bisexual, queer, asexual, pansexual, questioning, or other.”

The Democrat party that is today controlled by billionaires, globalists and Marxists will not, in my opinion, be happy until this number is 100% nationwide.

It starts with intimidating parents and indoctrinating students from New York City to Rocky Top. In his letter, Mr. Anderson stated that the “vitriol must stop.”

For the vitriol to stop, the indoctrination of our children must stop. The deliberate attempt to confuse and hyper-sexualize our children must stop. Let children be children, and let them be educated once again.

Creating false narratives and throwing bombs such as “what the Mom’s For Liberty-driven book banning agenda is doing” is not only counter-productive, it is obscene and incorrect. No one wants to ban books.

We simply want children to be protected from deviant agendas. Ending the vitriol is a noble objective.

It begins with letting our children be children again.

Samuel T. Foust
