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Air National Guard band to perform free concert

Earlier this summer, 90-year-old Army Lt. Col. (retired) Alan Samuels, who served in Vietnam, was honored in Greeneville, S.C., when the Air National Guard Band performed there .
Historic Downtown Clinton announces a free concert from 5-7 p.m. Saturday, Sept. 9, featuring the Air National Guard Band of the South.

As America commemorates the Sept. 11 weekend, the band will play music featuring its jazz, rock and concert bands.

It will also do a special flag presentation honoring one of the veterans in the community, who will be announced that evening.

Historic Downtown would like to thank Anderson County Mayor Terry Frank for help bringing this to the community.

The veterans breakfasts the county puts together every month allowed Historic Downtown Clinton to make this event one completely sponsored by community veterans.

In addition, Historic Downtown Clinton would like to thank Bear Stephenson for helping secure funding to make this possible for the entire Clinton community.

Veteran-owned food trucks will be on hand selling dinner options, including Captain Mac’s Seafood and Grill, The Lost Texan BBQ, and The Colonel’s Coffee Company.

Bring your own lawn chairs to enjoy this event brought to you by Historic Downtown Clinton.