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Liminal Plan founder will speak Oct. 30 at Democratic Women’s Club

Chloe Akers, founder of The Liminal Plan, will be the guest speaker at the Monday, Oct. 30, meeting of the Anderson County Democratic Women’s Club at the Clinton Community Center, 101 S. Hicks St.

The meeting, a potluck supper, will be held from 6-7:30 p.m.

Those attending are invited to bring a dish to share.

Akers, a former criminal defense attorney, founded The Liminal Plan in January 2023, after coming to believe that Tennessee’s democracy is broken, and hoping to create a space for moderate voices to advance change.

The Liminal Plan web site ( points out that 60 of the 99 members of Tennessee’s House of Representatives ran unopposed in the last election.

“Without any check on their power, politicians no longer act on behalf of the people who elected them. Instead, they make laws based on the demands of extremist special interest groups,” the web site states.

“Not only do these laws put Tennesseans at risk, they also endanger our economy by limiting business development. Worse yet, the majority (of Tennesseans) does not support this type of extreme legislation.”

Akers and her team want to reinforce the importance of electing representatives committed to reasonable legislation that reflects moderate viewpoints throughout Tennessee, pledging to support primary and general election candidates from both parties who are committed to restoring the interests of the community.

The two issues that caught her attention, and that The Liminal Plan is focused on, are access to health care through expansion of Medicaid, access to safe reproductive health care, and gun safety.

Data reported on the website reflects that majorities of Tennesseans support these issues; however, the state legislature turned down federal funds to expand Medicaid, made it a felony to provide an abortion, even in cases of rape or incest, and enacted no gun safety legislation in a special session after the Covenant School shooting in Nashville.

The Oct. 30 meeting is free to members of the Democratic Women’s Club and $5 for non-members.

For more information, email Democratic Women’s Club at