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Elected GOP officials will give updates

Libraries likely to be a topic as well

The Republican Party of Anderson County will open the floor at this month’s meeting for Republican elected officials to share updates about their respective offices.

The meeting will be at 7 p.m. Thursday (Oct. 19).

There will also be discussion about current events and a time to show solidarity with Israel. The meeting is open to the public at 635 Hillcrest St., Clinton, in the fellowship building behind the Clinton Church of God sanctuary.

On Thursday, Oct. 12, at the monthly Library Board meeting at Clinton Public Library, some 75-100 people showed up to watch the meeting and to express their feelings about having books accessible to children with sex acts, child/adult sodomy, photos of naked bodies lying together, and how to commit school violence.

County attorney Jay Yeager has spoken at several Library Board meetings strongly advising the passage of policies that at minimum would restrict these books.

The Library Board has failed to pass such policies because each time a motion is made, a majority of members are voting to keep the books available to minors or weakly restricted.

Last week as patrons entered the Clinton Library, whether adult or child, a craft was on display facing the entryway which glamorized a nude female chest with surgical scars where the female portrayed tried to change her identify to a male or non-binary. Glitter was used and the name of the minor teen who is said to have created it is listed below it. Library staff made the decision as to placement.

According to TN law 39-17-901, 911, and 914 it is unlawful to display nudity in front of minors, th eGOP group says.

Teenagers have been wounded by exposure to such things that hold graphically sexual language and image, the group added, also saying that “research has proven these images and words cause a premature sexual awakening.

“Children and teens should be protected and guided toward life choices that lead to success in education, to healthy social relationships, to faith, and toward hopeful dreams for the future,” the group said.

For more information about the local Republican Party, visit the website, or send an email to